Providing Solutions to Childcare Business Problems

The Learning Lab Mission

Our mission is to help aspiring and current childcare providers establish the systems that, when put in place and consistently implemented, will add value to the community and help create the quality standard necessary in an early childcare center.

We provide valuable resources that will help optimize childcare businesses as well as work to teach our clients how to identify stress points in their own business and make the changes necessary that will help their companies grow and flourish. 

Childcare, preschool, and daycare work can be some of the most rewarding experiences that can be had and we believe that work shouldn’t be complicated by the stress of administrative tasks and a lack of organization.  Let us help you get back to focusing on what matters - the kids.

Meet Cherish Davis - BA

Cherish holds a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development and Early Childhood Education and has accrued over 20 years of professional experience in the field of early childhood education. 

During her tenure in the field, she has worn many hats including teacher, assistant director, and director before eventually becoming an Education Specialist working for the Head Start Program, providing coaching and professional development to over 600 teaching staff members every year. She was then promoted and became the Education Manager for one of the largest Head Start programs in upstate New York.

It was her experience in the field that led her to create the Learning Lab Consulting Firm. After many years of witnessing the pitfalls of bad management, unorganized systems, and unmotivated staff, she knew it was her responsibility to share her knowledge and expertise with other aspiring childcare providers and help them achieve their business goals.

When Cherish isn’t helping new childcare providers achieve their dreams, she’s either teaching herself, cooking something new in her kitchen, or picking her next travel destination!

The Journey of the Learning Lab Consulting Firm

The first three years in operation didn’t come without its challenges. In year one, I had to overcome a partnership legal battle that if handled improperly could have been detrimental to the business in the first year.

In year two, we had to battle a pandemic that put a halt to how everyone in the world operated, but I remained resilient and agile during these challenging times and in 2021 we celebrated our three-year anniversary.

In the third year during a pandemic, I was able to provide employment opportunities to those in need and hire a director to run the business. This allowed me to dedicate more time to help those aspiring to open a business and run a quality early education childhood program successfully maneuver and pivot through some of the many obstacles that may arise in the first years of business.

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call Today to Start Getting Back to What Matters